Hotflashes  &

Instead of feeling cringe when you put yourself out there....
start fucking clapping that you're brave enough to put yourself out there in the first place!!

I remember thinking that by our 50's, we'd be spending our days with our saggy bits nestled into the sofa, watching our shows whilst flipping through Shady Pines brochures.
IDK where I got this notion from, but I guess our mothers 50 certainly looked a lot different.

Well, it turns out Dullsville wasn't a place I could reside in, and frump wasn't gonna be my fate..

Hi, I'm Stacey

midlife content creator
 & retreat host

an epic squad of bad ass besties

the course I wish I'D had

a once in a lifetime adventure

Grown Gals Gang

Grown Gals Getaway

get your groove back!

"We need to see other aging women confidently thriving in bodies like ours"